Chile has exported fewer kiwis than last year
The Chilean kiwi industry has exported 2,813 tons of kiwi so far this year
The Chilean kiwi industry has exported 2,813 tons of kiwi so far this year
Chilean kiwi exports are significantly lower than by the same date of last year. According to data from the Chilean Kiwi Committee, the Chilean kiwi industry has exported 2,813 tons of kiwi so far this year. By the same date of 2021, the country had already exported 4,882 tons. However, the committee also stated that exports are gradually starting to increase as the season progresses.
The main destination for Chilean kiwis has been Latin America with 1,051 tons, followed by North America with 813 tons, and Europe with 713 tons.
According to the committee, kiwi sale prices in Europe are similar to the prices achieved in the previous season. However, sales are slow and the stock has been accumulating due to the wide offer of Italian, Greek, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish kiwis.
Portugal, for example, will have fruit available until the beginning of July and Spain until the end of June. Italy still has a third of its fruit, which would last until the end of May. “What’s really worrying is that Greece still has fruit and some lots have firmness issues, which can have a negative impact on the market,” the Committee said.
Yellow kiwi is being sold at a more stable rate, as it is more sought and better paid. Some Italian companies that produce kiwi in South Africa have started harvesting yellow kiwi and hope to take advantage of the window there is before the arrival of Zespri on the European continent.
In the United States, the supply is made up of national fruit, Italian kiwi, and fruit from Greece, mainly. Demand is slow in contrast to the abundant supply and prices have been presenting a negative trend in the last two weeks.
Meanwhile, a low volume of kiwi is being marketed in the Latin American market. In Mexico, American kiwi has had a good sales rhythm. The Italian kiwi is still available in Mexico and Brazil but presents problems in terms of quality and its general condition.
China has a high local supply of kiwis at low prices. There are no imported kiwis yet due to the high local stocks but, since the country has locked down some cities due to the quarantines and the country’s zero Covid policy, during the last week consumption has turned towards essential products.
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